
CD musical


the original soundtrack
Editeur :
New Millenium Communications cop. 1998
Contenu : Contient : Death Valley '69 / with Sonic Youth. Endless fall / with Rowland S. Howard. Why don't we do it in the road / with Clint Ruin. Some velvet morning / with Rowland S. Howard. Four cornered room / Lydia Lunch. Suicide ocean / with Karl Blake. No excuse / with Lee Ranaldo. A short history of decay Pts 1 & 2 / with J.F. Coleman & J. Budenholzer. Escape / with Joseph Budenholzer. A quiet night of murder in Greenwich, Connecticut / Lydia Lunch. The need to feed / with Joseph Budenholzer. Der Karibische Western / with Die Haut. Twisted , Past Glas / with Clint Ruin. Done Dun / with Rowland S. Howard. Lock your door / Lydia Lunch. Diddy wah diddy , Run through the jungle / with 8 Eyed Spy. Orphans / with Teenage Jesus. Son of stink / with Clint Ruin. Still burning / with Thurston Moore. Tornado warnings / with Beirut Slump. Lady Scarface / Lydia Lunch
Description :
2 CD livret [16 p.]
Format :
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Auteur(s) :
Autre(s) Note(s) :
Compilation retraçant les innombrables collaborations musicales de la chanteuse, poète et performer punk Lydia Lunch, depuis ses débuts dans Teenage Jesus and the Jerks à ses duos avec Rowland S. Howard (Crime and the City Solution), Jim Thirlwell (Foetus), Lee Ranaldo et Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth)...
Compilation retraçant les innombrables collaborations musicales de la chanteuse, poète et performer punk Lydia Lunch, depuis ses débuts dans Teenage Jesus and the Jerks à ses duos avec Rowland S. Howard (Crime and the City Solution), Jim Thirlwell (Foetus), Lee Ranaldo et Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth)...
Extraits musicaux
Extraits vidéos
Extrait du livre
Table des matières


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