
The not-doings of an insomniac

The not-doings of an insomniac

in the form of a partita in seven movements for double bass
Autre(s) titre(s) :
The not-doings of an insomniac
The not-doings of an insomniac
Editeur :
Chester music 2018
Contenu : Smalltown [excerpt] / text by Lou Reed : 1. Not dreaming -- Telephone song [excerpt] / text by Laurie Anderson : 2. Not tasting -- Shine, shine [excerpt] / text by Yoko Ono : 3. Not smelling -- Neighborhood / text by David Byrne : 4. Not hearing -- I wonder how many people in this city / text by Leonard Cohen : 5. Not seeing -- Babel [excerpt] / text by Patti Smith : 6. Not touching -- Nobody wants a lonely heart [excerpt] / Arthur Russell : 7. Not beginning, not ending
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Exemplaires : The not-doings of an insomniac
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The not-doings of an insomniac PartitionPrêt normalConservatoire à Rayonnement RégionalLibre accèsBibliothèque Conservatoire3.11 44 GLASorti

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